刘雷研究员主要从事半导体光电材料的能带结构、缺陷杂质性质的分析及表征研究,致力于以能带工程手段提高半导体材料与器件的电光及光电转化效率;发表《Science》、《Chemical Reviews》、《Physical Review Letters》等高水平学术论文100余篇,SCI他引4000余次。
报告人简介:郭爱敏,哈尔滨工业大学研究员,博士生导师。2004年和2007年在中南大学分别获得理学学士和硕士学位,2010年在南京大学获得理论物理博士学位。2011-2014年先后在加州州立大学和中科院物理所从事博士后研究。2015年至今在哈尔滨工业大学工作。目前主要研究兴趣包括:1. 纳米体系的量子输运理论;2. DNA、蛋白质、纳米管等分子体系的自旋输运理论;3. 低维无序系统的局域化现象和金属-绝缘体转变。已发表37篇SCI论文,包括1篇Physical Review Letters,1篇美国科学院院刊PNAS和18篇Physical Review。
报告摘要: Highlyuniformandorderednanodotarraysarecrucialforhighperformancequantumoptoelectronicsincludingnewsemiconductorlasersandsinglephotonemitters,andforsynthesizingartificiallatticesofinteractingquasiparticlestowardsquantuminformationprocessingandsimulationofmany-bodyphysics.VanderWaalsheterostructuresof2Dsemiconductorsarenaturallyendowedwithastrictlyorderednanoscalelandscape,i.e.themoirépatternthatlaterallymodulateselectronicandtopographicstructures.Herewefindthesemoiréeffectsrealizesuperstructuresofnanodotconfinementsforlong-livedinterlayerexcitons,whichcanbeeitherelectricallyorstraintunedfromperfectarraysofquantumemitterstoexcitonicsuperlatticeswithgiantspin-orbitcoupling.Besidesthewiderangetuningofemissionwavelength,theelectricfieldcanalsoinvertthespinopticalselectionruleoftheemitterarrays.Whencomplex-hoppingcouplesnanodotsintohoneycombsuperlattices,theexcitonbandsfeatureaDiracnodeandtwoWeylnodes,connectedbyspin-momentumlockedtopologicaledgemodes.Withtheobservedlonglifetimeandspindependentinteraction,thesemoiréexcitonsprovideanexcitingBose-Hubbardsystemwithversatilecontrollabilityforexploringexoticquantumphases.
报告人简介:宋寅,博士,密歇根大学博士后,多伦多大学化学博士,北京大学化学学士。主要研究方向是发展和搭建新型飞秒多维光谱,包括紫外、可见、近红外和中红外等多种谱段,并将多维光谱应用于研究自然和人工的光电转换体系。希望借此技术突破一些凝聚态中光引发动力学的前沿难题,如相干效应在光电转换中的作用,电子振动耦合,单线态分裂等。在Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Journal of Chemical Physics 等期刊上发表论文11篇 。被引用近500次,h-index为10。2015年获得多伦多大学Donald J. LeRoy Graduate Prize,国家优秀自费留学生奖学金,2015-2017年获得美国ICAM博士后奖学金,2017-2019年获得加拿大NSERC博士后奖学金。
Heterostructured III-V semiconductor nanowires have attracted considerable attention in recent years because of their potential in future nano-electronic and nano-photonic device applications. The III-V nanowire project at NTNU today involves the epitaxial growth (MBE), structural (HRTEM) and nano-optoelectrical characterization, as well as processing (NTNU NanoLab) with a special emphasis on nanowire solar cell devices. In this talk, I will give some highlights on what we have achieved since 2006 when the first GaAs nanowires were grown at NTNU.
I will then focus on our most recent work on epitaxial growth of GaAs nanowires on graphene [1-2]. We have recently developed a generic atomic model, which describes the epitaxial growth of semiconductor nanostructures on graphene that is applicable to all conventional semiconductor materials. The model was first verified by cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy studies of GaAs nanowires that grow epitaxially and dislocation-free on graphene. Recently we have also shown the vertical growth of dislocation-free GaN nanowires on graphene [3]. The epitaxial growth of semiconductor nanostructures on graphene is very appealing for device applications since graphene can function not only as a replacement of the semiconductor substrate but in addition as a transparent and flexible electrode for e.g. solar cells and LEDs.
For deep ultraviolet AlGaN based LEDs in huge need for various disinfection and sterilization purposes, the concept offers a real advantage over present thin film based technology. Such thin film UV LEDs are today very expensive and inefficient due to the lack of a good transparent electrode (ITO is absorbing in deep UV), the high dislocation density in the active thin film layers, low light extraction efficiency, and the use of very expensive semiconductor substrates (e.g. AlN). The spin-off company CrayoNano are now developing UV LEDs based on the growth of AlGaN nanostructures on graphene, which potentially can overcome these problems, as will be further discussed in my talk.
A.M. Munshi, D.L. Dheeraj, V.T. Fauske, D.C. Kim, A.T.J. van Helvoort, B.O. Fimland, and H. Weman, Nano Letters 12, 4570 (2012).
2. A.M. Munshi and H. Weman, Phys. Status Solidi RRL 7, 713 (2013). (Review)
3. M. Heilmann, A.M. Munshi, G. Sarau, M. Göbelt, C. Tessarek, V.T. Fauske, A.T.J. van Helvoort, J. Yang, M. Latzel, B. Hoffmann, G. Conibeer, H. Weman, and S. Christiansen,
Nano Letters 16, 3524 (2016).
Dr. Helge Weman is a professor in nano-electronics at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
(NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway. He received his PhD in semiconductor physics in 1988 from Linköping University, Sweden. During his career, he has held various positions at UCSB, NTT, EPFL and IBM Res. Lab Zurich. Since 2005 Weman is leading a research group at NTNU on III-V semiconductor nanowires grown on Si and graphene for use in optoelectronic applications. In June 2012 he founded CrayoNano AS who are now developing highly efficient deep UV LEDs using AlGaN nanostructures grown on graphene. He is the coordinator of the M-era.Net project “Semiconductor Nanowire/Graphene Hybrids for High-Efficiency LEDs” consisting of academic and industrial partners from Norway and South Korea. At CrayoNano he is also partner of the EUROSTAR project “CMOS Fab-compatible Graphene”. Germany. Since 2010 Dr. Weman is a member of the Norwegian Academy of Technical Sciences (NTVA).
报告摘要: Recently, solution-processed semiconductors have attracted tremendous attention in the scientific community, mainly due to their ease of fabrication, readily tunable optoelectronic properties, compatibility with flexible substrates and promising performance. In this talk, I will first discuss the optoelectronic properties of CdSe/CdS colloidal nanocrystals and their assemblies. In the second part of my talk, I will introduce our recent work on using hybrid perovskite single crystals for X-ray detection and imaging, and the detection of ~100 fW/cm2 light with organic phototransistors.
报告人简介: 张杨,博士,湖南浏阳人。2003年毕业于四川大学物理学院微电子与固体 电子学专业获理学学士学位。同年保送至中国科学院半导体研究所超晶格 室师从杨富华研究员继续研究生阶段学习,并于2008年获微电子与固体电 子学专业工学博士学位。2009年至今先后在意大利技术研究所,美国威斯 康辛大学密尔沃基分校,内布拉斯加大学林肯分校,以及阿肯色大学从事 博士后研究工作。他现在的主要研究兴趣包括超高灵敏度的光电以及射线 探测器,半导体纳米材料的光学和电学输运性质表征,基于纳米材料的高 灵敏度气体传感器,半导体微纳加工技术,以及半导体表征和测试设备研 制。近年来,他以第一作者或通讯作者在Nature Photonics,Advanced Materials, Nanoscale,和ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 等国际期刊上 发表多篇学术论文。
报告摘要: 有机光伏电池方面,围绕提高有机光伏电池的能量转化效率,利用界面工程、光管理 技术(微腔、光子晶体和局域表面等离子体),构建单节和级联结构光伏电池,尤其 利用一维光子晶体调控光场分布进而拉平透射光谱,首次实现了显色指数接近100的 高效率半透明光伏电池,彻底解决了有机半透明光伏电池固有的效率和透过率之间的 矛盾。有机光电探测器方面,利用量子点陷阱诱导电荷倍增注入和表面缺陷能级钝化 等手段,制作了高增益、超低噪声、快响应和大线性度的纳米复合型光电探测器,综 合性能优于商用硅基探测器,尤其通过调整光穿透深度、载流子漂移长度和薄膜厚度 三者关系,首次实现了增益型超窄带宽的红光和可见光盲型近红外探测器,在生物荧 光检测和成像方面具有极其深远的应用前景;利用高迁移率的钙钛矿薄膜材料,首次 实现了自驱动型纳秒级响应速度的光电探测器,并成功实现了时间分辨荧光寿命的检 测,达到了商用水平。这些工作对于推动有机光伏电池和有机光探测器最终走向实用 化和商品化,做出了有益的探索。
报告人简介: 沈亮,吉林大学教授,院长助理(负责外事工作和国际合作办学)。 2014-2016年在美国内布拉斯加州大学林肯分校从事博士后研究。 主要从事有机光伏电池和光电探测器的研究,近年来以第一作者和 通讯作者等身份在Advanced Materials等重要学术刊物上共发表被 SCI检索论文>90篇,被包括Nature Photonics,Nature Materials等重 要学术期刊引用>1500次。申请和授权中国及美国发明专利>10项。 获得2014年吉林省科学技术进步一等奖(第二完成人)